Federico Zucchi

by Dantebus.com

Art & Design


I was born in 2001 and since then I have lived in Morbegno, a charming town in the lower Valtellina. I graduated from a commercial technical institute and I am currently a student of Political Science in Milan, where I live as an off-site student. Politics, reading and writing are my passions: I have experimented with the latter in particular in the last years of my life, also following a basic creative writing course. I believe that writing goes beyond the "simple" implementation of propositions and words on a sheet for aesthetic pleasure: it is linked to the way of living and perceiving the world, of grasping the nuances of life as well as of understanding oneself, resulting in the expression of unmistakable uniqueness of each. I write poems and in some cases short stories, where I can let myself be carried away by forces that I would otherwise have difficulty managing, but which I still struggle to frame. I like that the pen drags me and not vice versa. One day I would like to give life to a novel.